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XL Bully & Exempt dogs info

Xl Bully and exempt dogs are WELCOME at

Woofing Woods.


They can be off lead and muzzle free enjoying Leeds' only ALL Woodland Dog Park!


Please make sure you read the rules below so all

XL & Exempt dogs are enjoying the woods correctly

and keeping safe.

Please read all the information below

With the great news from our insurance company - Pet Business Insurance, XL Bully dogs are still able to enjoy stress free fun at Woofing Woods. Whilst there are rules that must be followed, this is great news for any XL Bully owner and other exempt dogs. 

Please make sure you read the rules and must follow them - please read all the information for clarity as a few points I questioned and have been given clear information from my insurance.


*Please note this only applies for use of Woofing Woods - if booking/using other private hire fields please contact them to check you/they are ok to be used and their insurance.


All XL Bully owners can continue to enjoy the woods as normal until 1st February 2024 - confirmed in email dated 5/1/24


Rules instructed with DEFRA and Pet Business Insurance stated in updated email dated 28/11/23 which will come into place from 1st Feb 2024:


As your insurer, you will be covered to hire out your private fields for an XL Bully Dog on the following basis:


1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.


2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.


3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times unless with other dogs from the same household


4. The dog is Neutered – in line with Government Rules


5. The dog is Micro Chipped


6. The field is private property with no public access passing through


7. The field is securely fenced so the dog cannot escape


8. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field


9. The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field


10. You can remove the lead and muzzle once inside the secured field


11. If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together as long as they have a minimum of 1 handler. All dogs leads and muzzles can be removed once in the field including the XL Bully. 


12. If there are dogs from different households, the banned breed will need to remain muzzled and on a lead at all time with a 1:1 handler


You can mix households BUT your XL/banned Breed must be on a lead and with their muzzle on.Whilst I appreciate play dates are fun, the safety for your dogs is the main thing. The rules must be followed. 


"We hope this helps to clarify your situation. We have been advised by DEFRA that they are currently working on an additional release of information that will provide further clarity around the rules and guidelines in place, so you can expect to see this on their website shortly." - Email from Pet Business Insurance - 28/11/23


As and when I receive more information on this I will update on social media and this page on my website. 


- Woofing Woods is relying on you to use the woods safely and by the rules listed above.

Any questions - please get in-touch


Thank you - Jo - Woofing Woods.


Highly recommended dog trainers should you need:


Sian Millen - Millen k9 Services Ltd - 07464858056


Sophie Sullivan - Origins Dog School - 07593128696



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Woofing Woods

JMS Companies Ltd

Company No: 13951917


Mobile: 07729633118

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